Codex Consulting helps organizations evaluate policy programs and research projects and understand policy and the policy-making process. Our program evaluation services range from understanding the target population to assessing the effectiveness of a program in achieving its stated goals. Research services include customized policy briefs and white papers on policy and policy-making at the federal, state and local levels, as well as selected international locations.
♦ Baseline Assessments of program population
♦ Entry and exit surveys
♦ Counterfactual analysis: comparing outcomes in program population to general population
♦ Value added analysis: measuring success relative to participant starting point
♦ Direct and indirect observation
♦ Follow-up interviews
♦ Surveys
♦ Customized legislative briefs: legislative history, main stakeholders, future perspectives.
♦ Federal, state and local levels of policy
♦ White papers on international events: elections, referenda, policy regimes